Amid this holiday season, we wanted to take a moment to reach out.
We are reaching out in support. This has been a tough year for many. 100,000 people have died from overdoses already this year. This means more families grieving, greater fatigue from care providers, and a larger sense of loss throughout our Tampa Bay community.
We are reaching out in gratitude. To each of you who work on the frontlines of the opioid epidemic, we are grateful. And to those business, faith, and philanthropic leaders who decided to join the effort to help reduce the number of overdose deaths — thank you. Finally, to those who have experienced personal loss and reached out to ensure no one else loses someone, we are grateful to you as well.
We are reaching out in community. Welcome to our inaugural newsletter! The goal of this monthly newsletter is to connect our regional community so that we can combat the opioid crisis together. In each newsletter, we will share resources, stories, news coverage, and upcoming events. You are receiving this newsletter because you are a vital part of this network, whether you are serving our communities or adding your own experiences and insights to this work.
We know that addressing the problem as individuals, as singular institutions, or lone counties can be overwhelming, so we encourage you to stay connected and contribute to the wealth of knowledge and services in the Tampa Bay region to save lives.

Jennifer Webb
Executive Director, Project Opioid Tampa Bay